Kinga Papp

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Aspects of Healing

Kinga Papp

Healing from the Soul of The Feminine - Womb Connection

  • 16 Saturday
  • 14:30 - 15:00
  • FREE

Workshop Details

For a woman, the most ancient knowledge of life lies in her womb. The womb is like an ancient inner sanctum in her body's temple, holding the secrets to the eons of time and the universe. The womb is the most energy filled place within. It is the centre from where inner voice, intuition, stillness, clarity, wisdom and the power of creation reside. Accessing, clearing and blossoming the womb can be the most powerful personal and spiritual transformation for a woman. Womb work aids to heal all sorts of female health conditions, as well as bringing peace, confidence and increased potential for happiness. This talk is open to all women - those with or without their womb.

Presenter Bio

Kinga Papp is a wellbeing expert and practitioner, exploring how to live in our 'feminine superpower' and sharing her knowledge and passion with other women. She perfectly combines transformative techniques from kinesiology, life coaching, nutrition, aromatherapy, and vibrational energy techniques, through clear communication methods and many more.  Kinga is passionate about educating and empowering women to heal themselves and learn to be in touch with their inner knowingness and their feminine essence while living their soul's purpose with more balance and authenticity.

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