Sarah Lloyd

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Midlife Wisdom

Sarah Lloyd

Shed Shame Through Storytelling

  • 16 Saturday
  • 14:30 - 15:00
  • FREE

Workshop Details

Use the power of storytelling to let go of guilt, blame and shame, and unravel stories that held you in back. PR expert Sarah will cover the power of storytelling in our every day lives, how stories have the power to propel us forward and to hold us back. Dive into shame stories and learn how being vulnerable can help us to heal rifts, relationships and change our lives for the better.

Presenter Bio

Sarah Lloyd is a cheerleader for women leaders. She is also an award winning PR expert, energy healer, space holder, author, writer, speaker, podcaster and mum of two. In the media and PR business for 25 years, Sarah quit her global corporate PR role in 2017, in a bid to be a master of her own destiny, follow her passions and to bring balance to her life. ISPR was created and now serves changemakers, rebels, female entrepreneurs & authors, mind, body & spirit brands, innovative technology and health & wellbeing businesses in sharing their stories from a place of power. The host of "Shame-Less Stories" podcast, past and recent clients include The Unbound Press, energy workers, mystics, shamans, Neurodiverse geniuses plus The Awakening festival, Mind Body Spirit Festival, Mindful Living Show and The Common at Glastonbury Festival.

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