Chia Oh

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Midlife Wisdom

Chia Oh

Hypnotic Reiki for Mid-Life

  • 17 Sunday
  • 10:30 - 11:00
  • FREE

Workshop Details

Beyond hot flushes: discover three life hacks to reclaiming your energy in mid-life with hypnotic reiki. Mid-life for women is not just about hot flushes, there’s so much more to it for the woman going through this beautiful change. This talk looks at changes in our bodies and how it affects our chakras, energy and spiritual development at this stage of our life.In Chinese culture, the woman’s mid-life is referred to as a ‘second spring’ where the energy that was needed to give birth moves up to the heart, providing a deeper wisdom or ‘second spring’. Journey through the chakras, with the power of hypnotic Reiki, as you will get to know 3 transformative hacks that you can use in your everyday life to embrace the wise woman within as you go deeper into your wisdom. The first hack will show participants how to protect their energy, followed by a chakra energising routine that they can use - with or without Reiki (second hack) under the personal hypnotic guidance of Chia, and, then, finishing with the third hack of stepping into the wise woman with powerful affirmations.

Presenter Bio

Chia Oh is an intuitive Reiki Master Teacher, accredited meditation teacher and hypnotherapist. She has over 20 years experience of Reiki therapy and is also transitioning to her 'second spring' being in her mid-40s. She speaks at conferences and international webinars, and has featured in UK and international magazines. Chia's uplifting and positive, yet calm style, has led her to speak for corporates, including Allianz, the CIOB and London law firms. Chia helps people and companies to achieve high energy, less stress and anxiety, and confidence in powerful public speaking through Reiki, hypnotherapy and transformational coaching.

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