Liz Roberta

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Midlife Wisdom

Liz Roberta

Finding Your Soul Purpose

  • 17 Sunday
  • 14:30 - 15:00
  • FREE

Workshop Details

Step into sacred alignment with your soul gifts and find out what you're really here for. Liz will start by sharing her own journey to finding her purpose, which inspired the creation of her Hay House book, Living In Tune: 21 Questions To Activate Your Intuition & Find Your Life Purpose. Liz will use question prompts to help you accurately feel what your own intuition is telling you without judgement or distraction, and she will explain how our purpose has phases and seasons, and why midlife is one of the best to finally figure out our soul purpose.

Presenter Bio

Liz Roberta is the author of 'Living In Tune' with Hay House and a Business Coach for entrepreneurs in the wellness space who want to grow their spiritual business. She won the "Emerging Voices" category in the Kindred Spirit Awards and is a finalist in the Great British Entrepreneur Awards for 2024. She has been featured in publications such as Metro, Glamour, The NYC Journal, Yahoo! and Take A Break magazine. Her work has helped thousands of heart-led, intuitive business women to increase their impact and income.

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