Izzy Seadon

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Midlife Wisdom

Izzy Seadon

Naturopathy for Menopause

  • 17 Sunday
  • 15:30 - 16:00
  • FREE

Workshop Details

Explore how nutrition, herbs and lifestyle can promote hormonal balance and address menopausal symptoms. We will reconnect with the wisdom of our foremothers and learn nature's remedies can be used to support women through the menopause. The workshop will cover: – An introduction to the menopause and the science behind what is happening with our hormones – Taking a holistic approach to support a healthy menopause – How to use herbs and nutrition for symptom support such as brain fog, insomnia, hot flushes and mood swings.

Presenter Bio

Izzy Seadon mANP, rGNC is a CNM graduate of Nutrition, Herbal Medicine and Naturopathy who specialises in women’s health and hormones. Izzy found through her practise that many of her client’s health issues were hormonal disruptions as a result of a modern diet and stressful lifestyle. She uses natural medicine to not just relieve the symptoms but also help women reconnect with the innate wisdom of their bodies.

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