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Donna Easton, joined by Louisa Hussey and Natasha Bulstode

Expert Panel Q&A: Menopause

  • 15 Friday
  • 16:15 - 17:15
  • FREE

Workshop Details

In this session, host Donna Easton is joined by two experts to field questions from our audience about menopause.

Louisa Hussey is a menopause trainer and therapist: specialising in the emotional impact of peri/menopause symptoms and educating women in their 30s and 40s about what's to come. She delivers workshops that answer any awkward questions, introducing symptom awareness without fear and use Tapping to support the emotional impact of menopause. Having been diagnosed with early menopause at 36, Louisa has immersed herself in understanding how menopause impacts the brain, the body and the mind - determined that no-one should have to spend years trying to understand how to cope with changing hormone levels. For more, go to and 

Natasha Bulstode is the Director of Chapter Five Ltd who Empowers Women from Menopause onwards to be THE best versions of themselves. The five Pillars of ChapterFive are Health, Wealth, Wellbeing, Beauty and Faith. At the heart of ChapterFive we guide women through Products, Podcast, Online Courses in Beauty, Makeup, Personal Health, Bio Hacking, Wealth, Manifestation, and how we can honour and love ourselves better. 


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