Cat Googe

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Wellbeing Studio

Cat Googe

Laughter is THE Medicine

  • 15 Friday
  • 12:15 - 13:00
  • FREE

Workshop Details

Rediscover the power of laughter to release stress and reconnect with joy. Join Cat for a truly JOY-FULL and uplifting session where you get to fully feel yourself again. Laughter yoga is a series of laughter exercises combined with deep belly breathing. The extended laughter lowers the stress hormone cortisol and releases juicy endorphins bringing you to a place of pure bliss whilst the breath work brings you back into balance and ease. It's about so much more than laughter; it's an invitation for DEEP reconnection and self celebration. The session finishes with a joyous laughter meditation for full release followed by a Reiki infused guided meditation.

Presenter Bio

Cat is a Joy Queen and is super passionate about teaching you how to reignite deep self love and reconnect with your inner joy; she loves to facilitate this through her unique blend of laughter yoga, reiki and NLP. Before following her calling to bring more joy into the world Cat spent twenty years in education working as a primary school teacher. During this time she deepened her understanding of the power of a healthy mindset to help you flourish and embarked on her journey to acquire tools to support physical, emotional and spiritual health. Using these tools, Cat has crafted a powerful framework to help you shift what’s feeling stuck, be the creator of your own joy and feel more energised. It is Cat’s desire that we ALL get to be our own source of sunshine because there is such power in our collective radiance. When we feel lit up and fully connected to who we are we make the most of our dance on this planet. Cat loves to work 1-2-1 and in her membership The Inner Joy Circle as well as at events and festivals.

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