Lorna Jayne

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Wellbeing Studio

Lorna Jayne

Enchanted Harmony: A Mystical Healing Experience

  • 15 Friday
  • 15:15 - 16:00
  • FREE

Workshop Details

A uniquely blended healing session for all ages, working on the chakra to release negativity. Laying down, Lorna invites you to a live, group, transformational healing experience, channelled through the whispers of her spiritual Guides. Embark on a magical journey where dense energies are released from your body, leaving you feeling nourished, cleansed, and revitalized. This mystical session will rejuvenate your mind, body, and soul, guiding you towards profound inner peace and harmony.

Presenter Bio

Lorna Jayne is a Cosmic Channeller, Galactic Activator, and Energy Master Teacher who empowers awakening women and intuitive empaths to unlock their spiritual gifts and embrace their true potential. As the founder of The Galactic Skool of Ancient Light & Wisdom, and The Certified Reiki Academy, she channels profound healings from higher dimensional beings, helping individuals remember their soul's purpose and elevate their vibration. Her transformative work has impacted premier league footballers, celebrities, and global healers, contributing to the ascension and awakening of consciousness.

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