Esther McCann

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Wellbeing Studio

Esther McCann

EFT for Manifesting Happiness

  • 15 Friday
  • 16:15 - 17:00
  • FREE

Workshop Details

Esther will be talking about the power of surrender and how finding our inner peace and passions in the present can unlock our paths to potential happiness. Manifestation is a game of being and in hurrying less, we manifest faster! We are safe to slow down and be present with where we are today. Esther will finish the session guiding the audience through an Emotional Freedom Technique tapping to help them connect to gratitude and their happy place, right here right now!

Presenter Bio

Esther McCann, also known as Miss Manifesther, is a manifestation coach and the author of Manifesting Happiness, now available in bookstores such as Waterstones and WH Smith. She helps people manifest success, love, and fulfilment on their terms through manifestation principles, mindset coaching, and energy work.

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