Daniel Gladwell

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Wellbeing Studio

Daniel Gladwell

Thai Yoga Massage Interactive Session

  • 24 Friday
  • 12:15 - 13:00
  • FREE

Workshop Details

Learn some simple but effective Thai yoga massage sequences to help with any back, neck and shoulder pain. Maybe you yourself could do with a massage? Everyone will pair up with someone and we will do some simple guided sequences on each other. Yoga mats are provided. 

Presenter Bio

Daniel Gladwell has been a massage therapist since 1997 taking numerous courses in Thailand in some of the most famous schools of Thai massage. Due to popular demand, Daniel, started the Gladwell School of Massage in 2010 based in Watford Herts and it has grown organically since then through word of mouth.One of the participants won the World Massage Championships in 2019. The school has about 10 fully accredited courses a year in Thai yoga massage massage and Advance Thai, table massage, chair massage and seperate modules for different issues that people may have including neck and shoulder pain, knee pain and back pain. 2 courses are held once a year in the most beautiful of Greece.

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