Theresa Cheung


Theresa Cheung

The Dream Cure: How Decoding Your Dreams Can Heal Your Life

  • 25 Saturday
  • 14:30 - 15:45
  • £0.00

Workshop Details

*PAY WHAT YOU CAN* Donation based workshop, with 50% of proceeds from workshop sales going to charity. Please click the 'Buy Tickets' button to the left and scroll all the way down to the bottom of the ticket list to select your price. 

In this high energy adventure into the multi dimensional universe of your night vision with bestselling author and Queen of Dreams, Theresa Cheung, you'll discover how dreams can heal and empower all areas of your life.

Pay what you can for this special workshop where you'll learn simple but powerful techniques you can use right away to enhance dream recall and help you decode their secrets and put you directly in touch with their creativity, guidance and healing. You'll also learn that at its core dream work is one of the most powerful, but neglected, manifesting tools. If you can dream it - you can do it!


Presenter Bio

Described by Women's Health as the British grande dame of psychic, spiritual studies, Theresa Cheung was born into a family of psychics and spiritualists. Since leaving King's College Cambridge University with a degree in Theology and English she has published numerous bestselling titles about the power of dreams to heal and change your life. A regular spiritual expert hosting national dream decoding call ins on ITV: This Morning and the media go to for dream decoding with appearances on BBC Radio 2 with Claudia Winkleman, BBC 5 Live with Nicky Campbell over the years she has become known as the 'Queen of Dreams.'

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