

Unlock Your Dreams To Harness Their Power

Are you the type of person captivated by your dreams? If so, you’re in good company. Dreams have captivated humanity for centuries, serving as a source of mystery, guidance, and self-discovery. From ancient civilizations to modern psychology, dreams continue to intrigue and inspire us humans. We couldn’t imagine an MBS festival without a dream talk or two!

Whether you’re looking for insight into your waking life, exploring lucid dreaming, or decoding recurring symbols, we explore how our experts work with dreams – and one is even TV show This Morning’s resident expert! Below find a few dream FAQ we always get asked, and the answers...

Q: Why Do Dreams Matter?

A: Dreams are more than just random images; they serve several important functions:

  • Emotional Processing: Dreams help process emotions and experiences from daily life.
  • Problem-Solving: Many creative breakthroughs and solutions have emerged from dreams.
  • Self-Discovery: Recurring themes in dreams can reveal subconscious thoughts and fears.
  • Spiritual Connection: Some believe dreams offer messages from a higher consciousness or spirit guides.

Q: ShapeWhat Are Popular Trends in Dream Exploration?

A: Dream research and exploration are evolving, with new approaches and tools making it easier to decode the hidden messages in dreams. Here are some of the latest trends:

1. Lucid Dreaming

Lucid dreaming occurs when you become aware that you’re dreaming while still in the dream. This awareness allows you to control and explore your dream world consciously.

How to practice lucid dreaming:

  • Keep a dream journal to improve dream recall.
  • Perform reality checks during the day (e.g., ask yourself, "Am I dreaming?").
  • Try the WBTB (Wake Back to Bed) method—wake up briefly after 4-6 hours of sleep, then go back to sleep with the intention of lucid dreaming.

2. AI-Powered Dream Interpretation

Advancements in artificial intelligence have led to apps and websites that analyse dream patterns based on keywords and emotions. These digital tools provide instant interpretations and track recurring dream themes over time.

3. Dream Incubation for Problem-Solving

Dream incubation is the practice of setting an intention before sleep to dream about a specific topic or problem. Studies show this technique can enhance creativity and decision-making.

How to incubate dreams:

  • Write down a question or issue you want guidance on before bed.
  • Meditate or visualize a solution as you drift off to sleep.
  • Keep a notebook by your bedside to record any insights upon waking.

Q: How Do I Decode My Dreams?

A: Understanding your dreams doesn’t require a psychic—here are simple steps to analyse them:

  • Keep a Dream Journal: Write down every detail of your dreams as soon as you wake up. Over time, patterns will emerge.
  • Identify Symbols: Look for recurring objects, people, or scenarios. Universal symbols (like water for emotions or flying for freedom) often have deeper meanings.
  • Consider Your Emotions: How did you feel in the dream? Your emotions provide valuable clues about its significance.
  • Connect to Your Waking Life: Ask yourself if the dream reflects any current struggles, desires, or fears.
  • Use Intuition: Sometimes, your gut feeling about a dream’s meaning is the most accurate interpretation.

Q: How Can I Improve Dream Recall?

A: Many people struggle to remember their dreams. Here are some techniques to improve recall:

  • Set the Intention: Before bed, tell yourself you will remember your dreams.
  • Avoid Alarm Clocks: Harsh wake-ups can erase dream memories.
  • Lie Still Upon Waking: Stay in bed for a few minutes and try to recall any dream fragments.
  • Write Immediately: Even if it’s just a few words, recording your dream as soon as you wake up helps improve recall over time.

Explore Dreamwork at the Mind Body Spirit Festival

Discover the mysteries of dreams at the Mind Body Spirit Festival at Olympia London (May 23-26, 2025). This event features This Morning’s resident Dreamologist, Theresa Cheung, who is presenting a special session on the main stage called ‘Dream Your Future - Akashic Records Style!’ Let her teach you practical tools to help you decode the precognitive secrets of your dreams - and your waking life.

Join Theresa on Saturday 24th March at 2.15pm sharp.


See you there!