Tanishka Moon Woman

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Midlife Wisdom

Tanishka Moon Woman

Moonpause: A Mystic Approach to Midlife

  • 26 Monday
  • 12:30 - 13:15
  • FREE

Workshop Details

The word Meno is the ancient Greek word for 'moon'. But since the Greco-Roman times we’ve deferred to the knowledge of men and dismissed the wisdom of women as ‘old wives' tales’. Fast forward a few millennia and now menopause is viewed more as a medical condition, than a rite of passage. 

MOONPAUSE is an entertaining slideshow with best-selling author of Goddess Wisdom, Tanishka, the Moon Woman (a former stand-up comic) who reinstates the lost wisdom of menopause that was outlawed by the Roman empire. Shining a beacon of hope to light women’s passage ‘down there’…not to their cervix, but to the depths of their psyche.

If you're ready for a magical midwife to provide you with a metaphysical map that demystifies the mystical transformation we undergo in our mind, body and spirit...don't miss this keynote that puts the moon back in menopause!

Men are also welcome.

Presenter Bio

A leading voice in the women’s spirituality movement, Tanishka has spent the past 28 years empowering women around the world to reclaim their birth right of sacred feminine traditions via in-person events, private sessions and online programs to initiate women through their life stages with rites of passage. A leader in the global Red Tent movement, (known also as the moon lodge, the place of secret women’s business) she has trained women in 44 countries to facilitate Red Tent women’s circles as a community-building initiative to support women during their most challenging time of the month, the darkest lunar phase.  

She is the author of 6 books, including Goddess Wisdom Made Easy published by Hay House, listed in Aspire magazine’s top 10 books for women and translated into multiple languages along with an online course filmed for Hay House UK. Billed as a ‘rising star’ in the UK’s Soul and Spirit magazine.

To find out more about her work go to: themoonwoman.com 

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