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Donna Easton

JOYOLOGY - How to Live a More Joyful Existence

  • 25 Sunday
  • 12:15 - 12:45
  • FREE

Workshop Details

Join Joyologist Donna Easton in this interactive workshop where we will break down the 'adult', re-discover the joy of play, find ways to access the innate us and open our hearts and minds to look at the world with a sense of wonderment. Oh, and we'll probably have a good sing song too. Discover how prioritising joy really does change your life!

Presenter Bio

Donna Easton is a Joyologist, Founder of LifeShine and the creator of Joyology®. A highly sought after speaker, host and trainer; Donna’s work can be found on TV, radio and numerous press features and she helps individuals and businesses re-frame what it is at be a grown up, work on how we show up in the World and how to play! She can work with individuals and groups, hosts events and works for organisations such as Google and MARS to help teams re-connect with themselves, find their joy and ultimately create happier teams! She is dedicating her life to spreading joy and helping stuck humans re-awaken the kick-ass, glitter flinging magical unicorn they were put on the earth to be.

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