Sivaroshan Sahathevan

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Wellbeing Studio

Sivaroshan Sahathevan

Activate the Power of our Primal Nature

  • 23 Friday
  • 14:30 - 15:45
  • FREE

Workshop Details

Joy may seem like the result of obtaining some desired object. Yet in reality it is the dissolution of desire that allows us to feel our own luminosity, which translates as joy. In kundalini inspired yoga we give gravitas to the �spaces between� for they are full of potency and point to our primal nature or luminosity. In this class, I shall teach a kriya inspired by the subtle yet infinitely powerful force of our primal nature to discover the gift that lies there? Sivaroshan is an independent kundalini inspired teacher & trainer. Co founder of Integrated Kundalini, Energy Healing Trainer and Author of �Yoga for Freedom�. He teaches classes to help students catch a glimpse of their own true self

Presenter Bio

Sivaroshan is an independent kundalini inspired teacher & trainer. Co founder of Integrated Kundalini, Energy Healing Trainer and Author of �Yoga for Freedom�. He teaches classes to help students catch a glimpse of their own true self

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